Chillin’ with my beautiful girl


Sorry for the lack of ‘Belle’ posts lately hehe but we have had a bit of a tough week and just been keeping it low profile lately. Today we got to spend some quality time together with our bestie PJ, just keeping it simple in this cute Big W tee ($6) and Kmart 3/4 leggings ($5) and little leatherette bow (two pack for $4) hehe while I’m a sucker for brands and pretty frocks, sometimes you just gotta accept your child gonna be filthy by the end of the day (especially on daycare days) so we just throw on whatever.








Summer Essentials ♥

Fashion, Kids


So summer is finally here, and what better way to mark this splendid occasion that shopping for some summer essentials. Here is Annabelle’s top picks!

1: Coco & Ivory “Summer Lovin'” Tank. Okay so super sad that it’s currently sold out because I mean how more perfect for summer can you get? And it’s only $26.00! I have my name down as soon as these are restocked. Click here for website.

2: Blake & Leo “Tiger Swimsuits”. Okay so I’m a tad partial to cats, big or small. Absolutely loving this swimsuit for my little babe. Passing on my cat obsession. Pick one up for $50. Click here for website.

3: Love Mummahh “Gypsy Sandal” in black. Err maa gerdd, how can you not love these. They are hand made with love from genuine leather and also come in Gold, Tan and Pink. I need them all, and only $40 (currently sold out but soon to be re-stoked). Click here for website.

4: Branche “Woolen Black Hat”. Absolutely obsessed with the Branche accessories for kids range ATM. So many amazing bows, hats and sunnies all essentials for summer. This black felt hat is so adorable. Click here for website.

5: Arlow Loves “Copper Denim Bloomers”. Haha okay so I’ll admit I think I love these because I am a bit of a Kylie Minogue fan perhaps. But every little girl needs a few cute pairs of bloomers to run around in on those super hot days! And they are only $19. Click here for website.

My Breastfeeding Experience

Kids, Pregnancy & Baby

Firstly I just wanted to say a HUGE thank-you to everyone who has emailed or messaged me about my posts on Belle’s birth story and weight-loss journey post baby! It has been amazing to have so much positive feedback from people and I am so grateful you all took the time to read.

So I also want to share my experience of breastfeeding! Firstly, during my pregnancy I was an ‘early leaker’, around twenty weeks (FML). I had to wear breastpads all the time because otherwise my nipple would stick to my bra and I’d have to peel them off at the end of the day because they’d glued themselves together (yup OUCH!). Leading up to Belle’s birth I opted to not do any pre-natal classes, including the breastfeeding class. I figured that my mother-in-law was a midwife and I could just directed all questions to her. I told myself that when it came to breastfeeding I’d just give it a crack and see how we went. I really tried to stay realistic about it all as I had heard so many stories from friends about their disappointment or stress surrounding breastfeeding. However, that was a lot easier said than done!!

When Annabelle was born via Caesarean it meant my milk took a little longer to come in, and for the first few days I was feeding almost every hour because she obviously wasn’t getting enough to fill her. In the end we topped her up with formula once or twice just to tide us over until my milk came in. By the third or fourth day it was starting to stress me out wondering if my milk would ever come in. I started to try things to help it along like pumping, massaging my boobs, feeding constantly, drinking milo you name it I tried it. By the fifth day, HALLELUJAH, it finally came in! Yet it definitely didn’t mean I was out of the woods yet.

I know i’ve heard a lot of people say “oh baby knows what to do“, but trust me sometimes baby DOESN’T know what to do and I spent my first few weeks having to get my husband to awkwardly pinch my nipple in such a way it was easier for Belle to latch. Not to mention, my nipples became tender, dry and even cracked with no time to heal between 3-4 hourly feeds. Thankfully, someone quickly suggested using nipple shields, and god am I glad I got those. I ended up feeding with them for almost three months as it was so much easier for Belle to latch and of course protected my flesh from being mutilated.


Anyway, once I started to get into the swing of things I began pumping breastmilk after feeds and building up a supply in the fridge and freezer. From day dot Belle took a bottle and the boob with absolutely no confusion. It was great because it mean that over night my husband could do the feeds to give me a break. Pumping was also good as it kept my supply up, but bad because if I left them longer than 3 hours I felt physically ill from them being so full. Then, when Belle was about three weeks old, thanks to my overly full boobs, I started to feel REALLY sick one night, I pumped my boobs and it was super painful so I rang my MIL and explained my symptoms, before I could even finish she told me what I really didn’t want to hear, I had Mastitis!

She went on to explained that I would need to get antibiotics as soon as possible as it would only get worse, however, being an absolute IDIOT and because it was really late at night I figured I would leave it until the morning. Well that was stupid, I really should have rushed myself to the hospital demanding like a crazy woman they give me antibiotics because by the morning I was in absolute AGONY! I could hardly move and in an attempt to try and alleviate the pain I tried to feed Belle and pretty much ended up screaming the entire time. I rang the doctors pleading that they got me in as soon as possible and drove myself down. When I saw the doctor she told me it was pretty bad and that she needed to try to massage the block out. She then viciously started squeezing and pushing on my poor boob, trying to work the blockage out. It was definitely up there on my ‘most painful experiences ever’ list, I almost died (not even joking). Eventually, I started to feel some relief but the damage was done and I was scarred for life. She then gave me my antibiotics and sent me on my way. Amazingly once I started taking the AB’s I felt better almost right away, it was gone within 3-4 days completely. I made sure thought that I had a repeat script so I could be on top of it in case it ever happened again!

Then the next hurdle came around the 8-10 week mark when I noticed a significant drop in my supply. I started to have to make a really conscious effort to eat energy full foods throughout the day and drink plenty of water because if I didn’t then I wouldn’t have enough milk by the end of the day. For the remaining 4-5 months I breastfed it was like this and I was constantly searching for different way to try increase my supply. It started to really consume me and it’s all I ever seemed to think about and I told myself that I had put much effort already that I should keep going. That pressure I had promised not to put onto myself had well and truly taken over and I found myself always asking others “are you still breastfeeding” or “how long did you feed for” while searching the internet all the time for ways to increase supply. I was so worried that if I stopped, it was too early or that it wasn’t fair to Belle or that I would regret not trying harder.

Finally, I realised what that I had done the exact thing I didn’t want to do and that while breastfeeding can be an amazing bonding moment between mother and child, it can also be a really stressful and sometimes even isolating experience. Thankfully, I was fortunate enough to have an extremely supportive network of people helping me throughout, and only was it with their help I feel I got as far as I did. No one close to me ever made me feel like I HAD to keep going, no one put pressure on me that I should keep trying. That was all myself, comparing myself to other mums, listening to the hype that ‘breast was best‘, for some reason fearing i’d be doing a huge disservice to my baby if I put her on formula. I had convinced myself that I was was some kind of a failure if I didn’t keep going. Finally, I came to my senses and told myself that I could only do what physically was possible and ultimately what was most important was that my child was fed, clean, warm & loved.

By the 5 month mark I started to give Belle a bottle of formula at night because I just couldn’t produce enough milk by the end of the day. It was also starting to become clear that Belle was starting to get over it herself and began weaning herself. She literally only saw me as a meal ticket these days and didn’t care if it was boob or bottle. There was no cuddles looking into one another eyes anymore, she just wiggled around and showed very little interest. So at 6 months mark we went entirely to formula and we were both absolutely fine with it. I felt really proud of how far I had gotten and felt that I had let Belle decide when to stop rather than calling it quits myself.

I realise now looking back that while I absolutely do not have regrets about how long I breastfed for, I do wish I hadn’t put so much pressure on myself and enjoyed it a little more since I was lucky enough to have an opportunity some don’t even get. And now for any mums who ask me those same questions I found myself asking all the time, I tell them that exactly! And as long as your baby is happy, healthy and has a full tummy, then what does it matter how you choose to feed them anyway?! It’s your own decision how you choose to feed your baby and don’t let anyone make you feel different!!

Raising tiny people is a tough enough job and we don’t need to make it any harder on ourselves by adding these pressures on ourselves over how our child is fed. I notice sometimes when talking to other mums that often when you talk about it people will give a ‘reason’ or try justify why they didn’t breastfeed or why they stopped, but no one needs to justify anything! They are fed and your doing an amazing job, just enjoy the ride! The end. ❤

What’s in my cart…?

Home, Kids


1: Homely Creatures “To The Moon And Back” Banner. This is a popular one I have seen hanging in many cool kids bedrooms, but it’s so adorable and only $25! Click Here for website.

2. Bun & Friends “Tyrone The T-Rex”. I have started to see these around a bit and think they are the cutest addition to any little ones bedroom. Our pick is ‘Tyrone’ The T-Rex in gold, and he is only $25.95. Click Here for website.

3: Rock & Pebble “Pear House”. This will be so perfect for housing our Sylvania Families! There is also and Elephant and apple, and all made from sustainable materials. The pear House is $110. Click Here for website.

4: Maiko Nagao “Shine Bright Like A Diamond” Wall Art. These wall art quotes are all the rage, but this one cannot help but catch your eye! Made in NZ and printed on environmentally responsible and chlorine free white paper. LOVE!! You can purchase from Collected ED, Click Here her for website.

5: Arlo & Co Personalised Name Mirror Plaques. I absolutely love anything personalised, enough said. Plus they are only $30. Click Here for website.

6: Le Petit Renard Rouge “Rory The Lion”. Every needs a little handmade love to cuddle at night, and these lions are too cute to pass up. Rory is my fav but there is an entire adorable family to collect and only $30 each. Click Here her for website.

I am always looking for amazing quirky décor and handmade love. If you have any suggestions or hot tips we simply MUST know about feel free to comment or tag us on Instagram at @houseofwhite_

Baby Shower Gift Ideas

Kids, Pregnancy & Baby

So lately I’ve been asked by friends for suggestions on baby showers gift. And while I know there are heaps of websites and blogs out there with millions of suggestions I thought I would compile a list of practical and affordable ideas if you find yourself lacking inspiration.

Bonds. Bonds. Bonds.

Any mum will tell you that Bonds Wondersuits and singlets are the best thing ever. They are the best quality, wash and wear for an eternity and will see you through 100 kids. Newborn babies pretty much just live in these things, so keep the pretty dresses and designer threads to a minimum in the smaller sizes and buy up big in suits and singlets. Bonds often has big sales on their website so you will more than likely be able to get up to 20-30% off, as well as free postage.


Sophie the Giraffe/Fan Fan the Fawn

So if you already have kids I’m guessing you might already know about Sophie and her friends. These are adorable 100% natural rubber teething toys by Vulli, created in France in 1946 and have been helping little ones ease their teething woes ever since! You can grab one from Big Dreams for $39.95.


Cotton On Body Plush Dressing Gown.

Okay so it doesn’t have to be a Cotton On one but I found these were the softest and snuggest in an affordable price range. They are perfect for during your hospital stay and of course through all those late night feeds. Trust me your mumma-to-be friend will forever thank you!  Available on-line and in stores.

Burt’s Bee’s Baby Starter Kit

So these days it’s definitely all about the natural and organic, especially when it comes to baby. And here is one of my top picks, the Burt’s Bee’s Baby Starter Kit. It’s all natural, Australian owned and made and smells amazing! And at the moment you get a free gift when you purchases before Christmas! The kits start at $24.95.

burts beez

Love To Dream Swaddle Suit

So I had never heard of these until my friends started having babies and I would see all these cute pictures of babies in these ‘angel’ suits. Then I had a baby of my own, sucked really bad at swaddling and I realised why these suits were so popular! Absolute life saver and a must for new parents who suck just as bad as me at swaddling!


Pedicure/Spa Treatment

Its definitely hard to tend to your own feet towards the end of one’s pregnancy. Trust me, treating mum to be to any kid of relaxing spa treatment is a great idea. Most beauty salons and day spas will be more than happy to put together a cute little package/voucher pack for you.


DIY Newborn Essentials Kit

This is one I have given to a few friends now, having received one at my own shower. It has been an absolute lifesaver, especially when i’ve realised in the middle of the night it had exactly what I needed rather than having to wait till the next day when I can’t get to a pharmacy. You can also get quite craft with this one, and there is heaps of ideas on Pinterest on how to present it and what to include.


Newborn Photography Voucher

I know this one can perhaps be a bit pricey, but if you have a few friends chip in it would be a great gift. Every new mum wants to capture those adorable moments with their new bundle so this would be a much appreciate gift, especially as there can be heaps of big costs leading up to baby. Just make sure you let the new mum know that most newborn photos are taken within the first few weeks, and perhaps just get in contact with the photographer to let them know when your due, as they semi schedule it in.


Baby Milestone Cards

Last but not least, my absolute favourite baby shower gift idea. I think they are such a great idea to use to take photos and mark milestones and these Mimosa Design cards have such adorable & unique designs.

There are 32 individual designed cards to help you capture the special moments in your baby’s first year. Your journey starts with a ‘welcome to the world’ card, and you’ll then mark 30 key dates, including monthly milestones, and big achievements such as your baby taking their first steps. Check out their website here.


To grab yourself a set of these cards just pop on over to our Instagram (@houseofwhite_) or Facebook Page ( and check out the competition running. All you have to do is regram the competition photo, tag @houseofwhite_ and @mimosadesigns with the hashtag #whitemimosacomp. Competition will run until Midnight on Sunday, December 6th with winner drawn and announced that Monday! GOOD LUCK!!


And then there were three!


“You can either come back in three days and we can try again, or we may have to do an emergency caesarean.” Those were the options given to me by my obstetrician after almost fifty-five hours of labour. It was almost 11pm at night and I was over it! But let me go back to the beginning…

It was Friday a afternoon, and I rocked up to the hospital for a routine monitoring. I had been going every second day during the last few weeks as I had been prescribed steroids to help me manage my PUPPPS, a skin condition that makes you itchy as hell and feel like your skins on fire. It started around the 36th week of my pregnancy, and up until a few days earlier the steroids had kept it relatively bearable, but now it had come back itchier and hotter than ever, and I had been lying on cold tiles in the middle of the night to give it some relief. The nurse rang my OBGYN and explained the situation to him and thankfully rather than upping my dosage, he said since I was due in three days anyway he was happy for me to come in and be induced on the Monday.

“Oh shit!” I thought, and I had that realisation that in the next few days I would have my baby girl! I started to go freak out a little bit, thinking of all the things I needed to do, organize and pack. But then a plot twist, I got a phone call from my MIL, who just so happens to be a midwife at the hospital. She had spoken to my obstetrician and they agreed that since they weren’t that busy they were happy for me to come in that night! Now that’s really when shit is got real, ‘I’m having a baby like RIGHT NOW’. So she told me to come in that night about 6pm, and they would begin my induction.

So then, after a late lunch with my mum, I went home to pack my bags and fill my laptop with movies! We arrived at the hospital and were directed to what I call the ‘deluxe suite’ as it was the only birthing suite they had with a double bed (but I think it’s actually just for fat chicks, but I’m not complaining!). We waited around for a while before the OBGYN came in and explained to me how it was all going to begin. First I would have the gel applied and wait over night to see how far dilated I became, then if needed they would do another two applications, with at least 6 hours between each. Pretty much that translated to “don’t expect a baby tomorrow” DAMN IT! So the gel was applied, we ordered pizza, watched a movie and not much happened. It got to about 11pm and I ended up just sending the husband home to sleep because it was evident nothing much was going to happen any time soon.

Anywho, long story short I ended up having the three applications of gel and played a shit load of candy crush for the next two days! By midday Sunday I wasn’t really any closer to meeting my baby girl. In that whole time I had only gotten to 4 cm, so they decided to move on and break my waters and put the drip in instead. Now I’m not sure about everyone else, but when they broke my waters it was pretty much exactly how it happens in the movies. I literally heard a loud ‘pop’ and second later warm liquid came gushing from between my legs and flooded the bed. To make it worse, I had to suck down as hard as I could on the gas while they did it because it felt like she was trying to hook my tonsils, it’s not the most pleasant experience!

Once they had the mopped up the puddles under the bed and replaced all the soaked bedding, they popped the drip in and started to pump the hormones in it started to work almost straight away! This is the point I realized that whatever those so-called contractions I was having before were absolutely nothing compared to the real deal. By the second contraction I was almost screaming and demanded I have an epidural, there was no way I was going to even try tough it out. From the outset I was totally fine with having pain relief and felt no need to try push through the pain. So after having my epidural inserted I felt completely numb from the chest down, they turned the machine back on and got the contractions going.

At this point ill admit I expected it to all to be rather quick, that it would only be a matter of hours before I was holding my baby girl, but once again it was another dragged out process, almost ten hours of having the drip administered and I seemed, once again, to be getting nowhere. By the end, the contractions really started to take their toll on Annabelle, with her heart rate spiking really high with each contraction. Very quickly my OBGYN made the call to turn the machine off and this was the point I was given the two options.

After everything I had been through there was no was I was just heading home to go through it all again in three days time, I quickly agreed to having a caesarean, even thought I could tell it wasn’t what they wanted to do. I knew from day dot that this particular hospital was pretty big on natural births, but I also had a gut feeling this is how it was going to end, as she had never ‘dropped’ and her head never engaged, so I had already made up my mind.

They quickly wheeled me down to surgical ward and I was prepared for surgery. I again was pretty lucky to have my MIL there, someone who actually knows what’s going on because it can be a pretty confronting experience. At one point I found myself freaking out that I couldn’t breathe because I couldn’t feel my diaphragm once the spinal went in. Then, when they were fishing her out I ended up having the anaesthesiologist leaning over me to push down, while two people were pulling and shaking to get her out, I felt like I was going to fall off the table.

But then finally, she was here! They held her up Lion King style over the big blue sheet and all I could do was cry, I couldn’t even say anything, I was so exhausted, but just so happy she was finally here, AND SHE WAS CUTE! They then took her over to be weighed and wrapped etc. while they sewed me back up. It took so much longer than cutting her out, but once it was all done they propped me up and I got to have my first cuddles with my daughter, it was such a surreal experience to finally be holding her.

By this stage it was almost 2am and you can imagine everyone was pretty damn tired. After a few more cuddles with Annabelle (we hadn’t actually given her a name yet) my husband and MIL headed home to get some sleep the midwives took Annabelle to the nursery as I was pretty much a useless worn-out mess, but I didn’t really get much asleep again because I had these stupid pump things squashing my legs to stop you from getting blood clots. WORST. EVER!

By 9am the spinal had finally started to wear off and they were now pumping me full of painkillers, but I was finally able to move a bit and hold my baby girl. Still I felt and looked like shit and refused to announce she had been born yet because I didn’t want any visitors. By the middle of the day I was feeling starting to feel pretty groggy and spaced out made the hero decision to not take my painkillers. Yup, I definitely don’t recommend that to anyone, because I ended up collapsing on the bathroom floor in agonising pain and the nurses pretty much had to sedate me like a bear gone feral at the circus. I woke up like 6 hours later in a daze pretty much like “where am I, what happened”. But by that stage I was pretty adamant I didn’t want to stay in the hospital any longer because I was literally felt like I was going insane.

Thankfully the doctors agreed the next day I could go home because my MIL was able to administer my medication and injections from home, even thought they had initially said it would be at least a five-day stay! I was so excited to just get home and spend some quality time with our little family and be away from the craziness of the hospital. It had been such a lengthy and emotional experience and if had my time again, I would definitely have been more assertive about what I wanted and stuffed around for three days.

Below I have included some pictures taken during my C-sectionand while I’m sure some people may find them a bit graphic, let’s remember we have been staring at Kim Kardashian’s vagina this last week so I’m sure you can handle it. And yes I look like absolute shit, I will definitely be hiring hair and make-up next time with a professional photographer to then Photoshop me fabulous!







*No idea who took these photos, they were just given to me in an album haha

Turn Down For Naps


So this is what happens when you let them choose there own outfit. Absolutely love this Rad and Rebellious Apparel Tee, teamed with Seed Heritage pants and leopard print Vans! Sorry the photo’s are a little over exposed!

Check out @radandrebelliousapparel on Instagram!







Affordable Kids Bedding


As a big lover of Pinterest, I always find myself pinning my inspiration for our renovations, for my dream home and of course when we were pregnant with Annabelle, her nursery! Hours on hours spent going through inspiring images for the perfect sanctuary for our new little bundle of joy!

Well, now she’s big stinkin’ toddler and soon will be going into her ‘big girl room’ so yet again I have another reason to get pin happy! However, you don’t have to spend big bucks to find the perfect bedding worthy of a Pinterest post. Here is a list of my top picks for some funky and affordable kids bedding.

Adairs Kids - 'Frankie' Set

Adairs Kids – ‘Frankie’ Set || On Sale – $29.95

Kmart - 'Geometrical Quilt Cover Set'

Kmart – ‘Geometrical Quilt Cover Set’ || $14.95

Pottery Barn Kids - 'Ballerina Duvet Cover'

Pottery Barn Kids – ‘Ballerina Duvet Cover’ || Starting at $24.50

Target - 'Confetti Quilt Cover Set'

Target – ‘Confetti Quilt Cover Set’ || On Sale Now – $40

Cotton On Kids - 'Giant Raindrop'

Cotton On Kids – ‘Minty Fresh’ || $49.95